Fitness Recap 5.2-5.8


5.1-5.7 Goals
Go to the gym at least 4 times this week: FAILED  (It was that time of the month and it was hard to get motivated to do anything)
Do P90x Yoga at least one day: FAILED
Stretch out after each workout: DONE!!!! YAYA!!!

Nutrition was not a goal for this week, however for this week it is going to be a major focus. I had a few days off from work and I took full advantage of the dinner dates with my hubby. We went out to eat Thursday, Friday, Saturday and had a huge brunch Sunday for Mothers Day. As you can see I did not say night after each day because we pretty much ate out for all meals except breakfast, UGH!

So what are my goals for this upcoming week?

5.8-5.14 Goals
Go to the gym at least 5 times this week
Eat clean (eat out one night and no cheating during week (cheating is random eating and nibbling on sweets)
Stretch out after each workout
P90x Yoga
Weights 3x this week & Nike Training 2x this week + cardio all five days

What are your goals this week?


Fitness Recap 4.24-4.30



Fitness Recap
Tuesday: Spinning (lower body)
Wednesday: Stairmaster
Saturday: Spinning & Weights (upper body)

I was NOT pleased with the amount of times I worked out this past week. When I try to remember why I skipped out on so many workouts nothing comes to mind :-/  I think for the most part I was lazy. I would wake up in the AM and nothing, I would just turn to my phone and reset my alarm until it was time for me to wake up and get ready for work. What do I do?!!!!!!! Easy, I make sure to go at least 4 times this week. Will it happen? I don’t know. What I do know is that I will try my best and get my ass in gear so I can make my goal.

5.1-5.7 Goals
Go to the gym at least 4 times this week
Do P90x Yoga at least one day
Stretch out after each workout

Wish me luck!

What are your workout goals for this week?







November Readings….

Ohh…how I love Magazine time. Magazines are the inspiration I need to give me that little push every month when I start to go into a slump. There are great articles, new routines, nutrition tips, and inspiring stories to get you back on track. I get a variety of them some, which many times tend to say the same thing. However, each magazine has its own charm and thats why I buy them.

What’s your favorite Health Magazine?

Update… Boot camp routine

The week is coming to an end and I am killing it. this is the routine I did on Wednesday and I will have a week ending report of my successes!



Stairmaster 30 min
Date 10/28/10
Date Exercise Set Reps
27-Oct-10 drag curl 3 12
27-Oct-10 bench dip 3 12
27-Oct-10 machine leg curl 3 1  


27-Oct-10 bosu crunch 3 12
27-Oct-10 good morning 3 12
27-Oct-10 bosu side bridge 3 12
27-Oct-10 assisted dumbbell lunge 3 12
27-Oct-10 dumbbell front squat 3 12
27-Oct-10 overhead triceps extension 3 12
27-Oct-10 zottman curl 3 12

I cant wait until this Saturday, I am trying out a new routine I saw in Fitness RX and it supposed to be a rough one. It is interval training done with giant sets, that cant be fun :-/

Power song of the Day!

In celebration of Halloween!!!! Pics coming soon!
