Update… Boot camp routine

The week is coming to an end and I am killing it. this is the routine I did on Wednesday and I will have a week ending report of my successes!



Stairmaster 30 min
Date 10/28/10
Date Exercise Set Reps
27-Oct-10 drag curl 3 12
27-Oct-10 bench dip 3 12
27-Oct-10 machine leg curl 3 1  


27-Oct-10 bosu crunch 3 12
27-Oct-10 good morning 3 12
27-Oct-10 bosu side bridge 3 12
27-Oct-10 assisted dumbbell lunge 3 12
27-Oct-10 dumbbell front squat 3 12
27-Oct-10 overhead triceps extension 3 12
27-Oct-10 zottman curl 3 12

I cant wait until this Saturday, I am trying out a new routine I saw in Fitness RX and it supposed to be a rough one. It is interval training done with giant sets, that cant be fun :-/

Power song of the Day!

In celebration of Halloween!!!! Pics coming soon!
