Round 2: Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer

Here we go again for another round of Jamie Easons Live Fit Trainer, starting January 2, 2012. I debated whether if I should start the trainer at the beginning or start from Phase 2. I decided to start from the beginning just so I can get my mojo going and start slowly.

What is great about the trainer is it sets you up for success. Everything is spelled out for you from A-Z there is no guessing on what exercises to do and what to eat. Each day is planned out for you so there is no guess work.

Check out the intro video about the program:Jamie Eason 12 week trainer

Below are my results the first time around.

Not bad, but there is more to be done, especially, after the holidays, UGH!

Tips from my first go around: 

  • Preparation is KEY! Find a day where you can give yourself a couple of hours to prepare meals for the week, you will thank me!
  • If you have a couple of bad food days, at least make sure you go to the gym everyday.
  • Take progress pics and measurements. If you don’t and you just weigh yourself you may get discouraged. You could be going up on the scale, but you could be losing inches. Muscle weights more then fat people!
  • Eat all you meals!!! Do not skip meals, because you will start to crave all the bad things if you are not eating every 2-3 hours
  • Do not obsess. I found myself obsessing over everything I ate and it made me unhappy. Just go with the flow and do not over think.
  • There is a light at the end of the tunnel. If you do as you are told on the program you will see the results. I PROMISE!

Product of the Week: Crystal Light Drink Mix On The Go

Crystal Light has a product called Iced Tea Peach Lemonade On The Go and it is by far one of the best alternatives to Diet Coke. I have always used this product, but I really started to get into it when I was trying to get off of Diet Coke. Diet Coke is great but all the carbonation caused me to bloat  so I needed to find a better alternative. I stopped drinking Diet Coke for awhile, however I started to drink it again, due to a lack of self control. What gave me the idea to post about my new found love of Crystal light  was my co-workers neice. She came in for take your family to work day and I gave her a pack to try, she LOVED it. She is only 7 years old, but I thought this is a great alternative for kids to have and maybe I should try to ditch the Diet Coke again and go for the lemonade.