From sugar, to artificial sweetener, to natural sweetener, the end!

After many years of using Splenda, I finally stopped the obcession. I used to put Splenda in everything coffee, tea, greek yogurt, sweet potato, just to name a few. After reading many articles on the dangers of Splenda and Aspartame and started to adapt a clean eating lifestyle thats when I new it was time for a change. I did’t realize how much food and beverages I was eating that contained Splenda, lemonade, diet coke and low fat anything! Here are some of the changes I made

Truvia for Splenda

True Lemon for Crystal Light

STOPPED drinking Diet Coke, that was a hard one!

These little changes tapered my cravings for sweets and I was less bloated during the day, yay!

Product of the Week: Crystal Light Drink Mix On The Go

Crystal Light has a product called Iced Tea Peach Lemonade On The Go and it is by far one of the best alternatives to Diet Coke. I have always used this product, but I really started to get into it when I was trying to get off of Diet Coke. Diet Coke is great but all the carbonation caused me to bloat  so I needed to find a better alternative. I stopped drinking Diet Coke for awhile, however I started to drink it again, due to a lack of self control. What gave me the idea to post about my new found love of Crystal light  was my co-workers neice. She came in for take your family to work day and I gave her a pack to try, she LOVED it. She is only 7 years old, but I thought this is a great alternative for kids to have and maybe I should try to ditch the Diet Coke again and go for the lemonade.