My Lupus Journey

I was born to my Mama

Life was great! I was living a normal teenage life  and getting ready to enter college, I was on my schools Varsity tennis team, I was in student goverment and in marching band, I was very active and involved. Then the summer before my senior year I got really sick and was diagnosed with Lupus :-/ It was a complete shock, it came out of nowhere. I was never sick. I never went to the hospital, let alone break a bone in my body. I was a healthy teenager!

My sickness was an emotional rollercoaster for me. When I came out of the hospital the first time I got sooo thin, I was down to 125 and I am 5′ 7″. I kinda liked it, people were like “OMG Nowel you look like a supermodel” it was crazy, especially when I just came out of the hospital.

Later that year I relapsed and had a hemorrhage in my lung, causing me to cough up blood, I had to go to the hospital again and they injected me with 3000 mg of prednizone and I continued to take a high dosage after I came out the hospital. Now imagine going from 125 to 160 in the matter of months. It was traumatizing. I didn’t look like myself anymore I was so depressed.

After that year my Lupus went into remission. I was lucky. However, the way I looked from all the meds really got to me so I became more conscious of my health, what I ate and my physical activity. My mom was great and got me a personal trainer to get my confidence  back up, and it helped! I loved it! I loved to see how my body transformed and I became much more fit then when I was younger. I realized the importance of nutrition and exercise. Food was the main thing too, I never really ate bad but after eating the right foods my body showed the change. I was happy and I felt good about myself.


Lupus Flare

Grad Night

Lupus Flare

Lupus Flare

Lupus Flare

Lupus Flare

Prom: The worst night of my life

Already lost some of the 160

After the trainer

Getting back to my happy place

Getting back to my happy place


Sometimes we take everyday things for granted and don’t thank God for our everyday blessings. I thank God everyday for helping me get through those tough times, so take a minute and be thankful for lifes little blessings, you can lose them faster then you think.

What Drives Me

Below are the people in my life that push me to become a better person spiritually, mentally,and physically. I want to live a healthy, happy and balanced life so I can be there for them at any moment in time.

My Bubba
My Mama
My Family

And last but not least…

Me :)

6 thoughts on “My Lupus Journey

  1. Well I think you’re a smart little cookie (errr, zero calorie kind?) that you handled things the way you did – keeping it positive and working to look/feel better. You’re awesome, girl! It’s great to know more about you. :)

    • Thanks, I was just looking at pictures today of when I was sick and I still cant believe how far I’ve come. Your pretty cool too!

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