Fit (well not exactly) Fabulous & Famous: Adele


I know everyone may be wondering why I chose Adele to be my Fit, Fabulous &  Famous celebrity of the week. I was shown this picture from a friend at work and once I read Adele’s statement I died. I knew I had to post it right away. I had a problem though, I knew why I wanted to post the picture, but I couldn’t find the words to explain why, then my co-worker said she is not physically fit BUT emotionally fit.

Ok, I know you’re scratching your head trying to understand what I mean when I say Adele is emotionally fit. Well your answer is in her words. ” I don’t want to be on Playboy or Vogue. I want to be on the cover of Rolling Stone or Q”…”I am a singer”….I’d rather weigh a ton and make an amazing album”. Adele is a very wise 23 year old. She is comfortable with the way she looks and and has a confidence that people wish for. She knows she is successful because she is a great singer who loves what she does, not because she is a size 2. Adele does not care about what the industry defines a pop singer to be, she identifies with herself and her fans, no one else.

So Adele, you are EMOTIONALLY FIT, FABULOUS & FAMOUS. Just keep being you and continue to make AMAZING music.

2 thoughts on “Fit (well not exactly) Fabulous & Famous: Adele

  1. Nowell! I’m so sorry not to have responded sooner! I LOVE what you’ve done with the background, so beautiful and it definitely catches readers eyes! :)

    I love Adele and her soulful voice. You’re so right, her singing shows what emotional balance/fitness she has. What a lovely post! :)

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