Yummy Breakfast Sandwich from Subway!

So I started a new weight
routine, pretty much same exercises but focuing on 2-3 body part 3x
a week.

The breakdown will be as

Day1: Chest
Back Abdominals Day 2: Cardio Day 3: Quads Hamstrings Calves Day 4:
Cardio Day 5: Shoulders Biceps Triceps Day 6: Cardio Day 7:

I was getting
board so I needed to change it up a bit. Plus, I will be able
to focus more on each body part.

Morning work out Below:

Just so people can get an
idea, this is how I stay on top of having a healthy lifestyle,
being well stocked with snacks and other goodies. This is my snack
drawer at work, which needs to be re filled with some

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I guess I am going
backwards but this is my fabulous lunch. Homemade chicken noodle
soup from the mommy and a spinach salad, with a side of Special K

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Breakfast was
delicioso! I had one of those new Subway Breakfast sandwiches and
they were so yummy! I mean, I could have made it at home and
probably made it better, but it hit the spot after that early

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A yummy snack to curb
the appetite before lunch, a couple pictures above :)


Cant wait for

What kind of snacks do you usually have
stashed when at work?

445am…and were off!

My daily routine starts with me usually waking up at 5am, 445am on a good day. For some reason I was so psyched to work out today. Todays plan was 30 min cardio(stairmaster) and biceps, triceps, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Ahhhhh… life is good after the gym and I have some pics of my routine and some update pics (there not that gr8, I hate taking pics of myself at the gym…lol)

I chose to do these exercises as supersets, doing two exercises per set, I luv it!!!!

NOW for the update pics:

Me scared that some random person would

walk in and see me taking pics…LOL!

The Triceps are getting there…

My guns are coming in nicely


The area of hell…I just have to remember patience is virtue

I didnt get to take a good pic of my leg, but I will get a pic up soon.

Mind you… My goal is not to get BUFF….no way! I just want to be a lean, mean, ass kicking machine :)

Song of the day: N.E.R.D in Hot n fun

The abum just came out on i tunes and it is wicked!!!! <3 it!

The girls are Awesome in this video!
