5 AM Workout! Just Did it!


Plank Row to Rotation-3 sets of 12

Plank Row-3 sets of 12

Dumbbell Flye on Ball-3 sets of 12

Barbell bent-over-3 sets of 12

Seated reverse fly-3 sets of 12

Cable seated low row-3 sets of 12

Toe Touches- 3 min

Russian Twists-3 min

Plank-3 min

Modified Side Plank-3 min

Crazy Ivans-3 min

Cardio: 25 min spinning

Nike Training for iPhone… LUV it!

If you havent tried it already and you have an iPhone check out the the NEW Nike Training app, AAAAAmmmazing. Check out my thoughts below in my new Video post


Luv it Luv it Luv it!

Its a win win situation, I think the app is free and there is so many great features, PLUS you can integrate music and goals for optimal success! Nike is just killing it!